Messaging for First Responders/Special Operations
The ability to get structure messages out from the field to the command center is critical for First Responders and Special Operations teams.
Terry implemented Rust language code that sent structured messages through natural language processing using VOSK/Kaldi models on both mobile and desktop platforms. Additionally he developed the code basis to send commands for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs/Drones) from the NLP as messaging in through a spuriously connected network. He developed the interface in rust for the account provisioning and the generation and checking on a deterministic secure key platform. Additionally he wrote the original front end platform for Squire used as the command center, hired and staff the team and acted as the chief systems engineer.
The technology was used in Squire Solutions Inc. products where they were tested with SWAT teams in active assailant drills.
The Squire Solutions Inc. software platform is ready for sale and deployment.