Smart Cruiseship


A combination of an identification and payment system on cruise ships was needed to create the appropriate guest experience. Carnival Cruise-lines worked with NYTEC where Terry was the CTO to create a wearable which acted as both a payment scheme and an identification token.

The tokes called Medallion’s contained RFID and BLE radio transceivers, they were combined with facial recognition systems in various embedded cameras on the ship to ensure the customer with the token was authorized to use the device.


Medallion became a staple of the cruise lines customer experience. The company included it in on ship games, access to rooms, payment systems, and identification on embarking on the cruise.


NYTEC and Carnival Cruises won the IOT Product of the year in 2018. NYTEC was later acquired by Accenture.


Projects described on this page were conducted by Terry while he was employed at NYTEC.
All work and results are property of NYTEC. and/or others as agreed to by NYTEC.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.