Smart Health and Medical


Terry, along with two Intel colleagues were responsible for the reconfigurable hardware and firmware platform SHIMMER.  SHIMMER was originally designed to be a sensing platform which could be easy reconfigured as clinical body worn wireless sensors.  As CTO of the Technology Research for Independent Living Centre (TRIL) in Ireland, Terry drove the architecture and the coupling of SHIMMER to BioMobius creating an end to end reconfigurable platform for clinical health trials.  The hardware and firmware kit comprised of ECG, six-degree of freedom inertial motion sensors, nine-degree of freedom inertial motion sensor, twelve-degree of freedom inertial motion sensors, EOG, EMG, GSR, and PIR motion sensing.  SHIMMER included both a Bluetooth(TM) and 802.15.4 radio stack and was programable on an open TINYOS operating system. 


SHIMMER became a staple at numerous clinical research universities around the globe including Harvard Medical, Trinity College Dublin, Standford to name a few. The TRIL Centre used SHIMMER on testing a 600 patient cohort over a three year period for falls and gait analysis. 


In 2008 Terry launched SHIMMER a suite of wearable sensors for healthcare and medical applications with the Prime Minister of Ireland on the NYSE floor. Terry conceived, designed, developed and eventually championed the business case for SHIMMER as a spin-out from Intel’s Digital Health Group. The spin-out, named, remains in business today as a profitable license agreement between Intel and Reatime LLC in Dublin Ireland. The SHIMMER suite has been in numerous TED talks, press and SHIMMER was used as the development platform for the algorithms in the MisFit Shine wearable.

Projects described on this page were conducted by Terry while he was employed at Intel Corporation All work and results are property of Intel and/or others as agreed to by Intel.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.