Smart Holster

One of the issues with body cameras for law enforcement is the issue of ensuring they are on when needed. Today our first responders are often overloaded, and having to turn on the body camera in the middle of a high risk situation may not be at the forefront of the individuals mind. While working with Safariland Group Terry enabled their holsters to be smart, by sensing when the weapon left the holster, then body camera would automatically begin recording.


Designed with the latest Bluetooth Low Energy transceiver stack, and a state of the art proprietary


The first product was the CAMERA AUTO-ACTIVATION SYSTEM 7280CAS |7360CAS from the Safariland Group, and it was a hit with agencies


Safariland Group’s VIEVU® body cameras went from being 5th in the market place to 2nd in the market, and closing on being first. The first seller in the market place Axon® bought out the technology for the body cameras in a well publicized  purchase.

Projects described on this page were conducted by Terry while he was employed at Safariland Group LLC.
All work and results are property of Safariland Group LLC. and/or others as agreed to by Safariland Group LLC.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.